Traditionally, Specifying requirements, and Purchasing the specified product are two main consecutive stages while procuring most industrial systems. Based on study results adding a Cost Oriented Reevaluation (COR) stage, can boost significantly ROI; always of prime importance, particularly with present economy.

Generally, specification aims for simplest solutions which meet users “must have” requirements. Main UPS parameters are Output power (SIZE), Type (topology) and Battery Backup time. Size is dictated by consumers which will be protected. Back up time and the types of the systems depend on the particular application.
Three dominant UPS types are offered by manufacturers. The Off-Line type solves outages and short-term grid disturbances; Line-Interactive type solves also Undervoltage and Overvoltage disturbances, whereas the On-Line type provides the best solution to all grid related disturbances.
The simplest, Off Line UPS, is recommended for protecting home computer applications. Line Interactive systems are used for small networks, implemented in stores, restaurants, small offices. On-Line systems protect high power, installations, data centers, on line service providers, industry, and other critical applications.
In the process of checking the pros and cons of On-Line versus Line interactive UPS for a particular project, UPSonNet found that some On-Line systems were cheaper, compared to equivalent Line Interactive types. Deeper investigation, suggested that the assumption of constant Price to Power ratio should also be questioned.
This led to performing a study of UPS market prices, from small 350VA size systems up to 120kVA installations. The research was based on market prices, of main brands like APC, Powerware, Tripplite as well as smaller good standing companies, and filtering the results by a weighting factor representing supplier’s market share.
The mentioned dual stage procurement method, of preparing technical specification to meet needed requirements, followed by a purchasing stage based on the technical specification is justified, assuming positive price to performance behavior and linear behavior of price to output power ratio.
The study violates these assumptions. A better UPS may cost less, while significantly higher power may have a slight effect on price. Market prices are affected by numerous factors, such as, technological innovations, strength and preferences of individual producers, popularity of certain power levels or certain brands, and more. Therefore, no price logic is obeyed when individual systems, are concerned.
UPS Industry Price List, presented on UPSonNet’s website displays the final study results. The information enables to rise beyond the individual system and see both the forest and the trees. It allows achieving optimal solution by analyzing each specific case, in order to deduce the impact of size and topology on system cost.
Research results call for additional Cost Oriented Reevaluation Stage, before the specification is confirmed and forwarded to purchasing department. The COR stage should investigate alternate solutions, and modify UPS specification for getting superior technical performance and better economical outcome.
Guiding steps on UPSonNet’s site, direct users how to use UPS Price List to gain significant advantages. COR implementation enables to achieve such benefits as system upgrading, extending output power, increasing back up time, introducing redundancy, and more, while decreasing system cost sometimes by almost 40%.
In conclusion, UPS market price study contradicts assumed correlation between cost and performance. Thus, practice of specifying the simplest UPS to meet requirements doesn’t provide lowest cost. Implementing COR enables maximizing ROI.
For additional information on “How to Protect Your Data and Your Budget when Buying a Power UPS”, visit
UPSonNet is an information source about Power Protection, Power Availability, and Quality. The information addresses audience involved in Design, Manufacturing, and Distribution of Power Conversion equipment, as well as Users involved in applying Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems and related equipment, in business environment, data centers, and other mission critical areas.
Via EPR Network
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